Ahead of the 2024 Continental Championships, jan tuno brings us details of an update to the Standard Ban List.
Continue reading "Standard Ban List 24.05"
Ban List Updates, News
ban list, ban list updates, formats, Organized Play, Standard
Dee and the Standard Balance Team bring us a special update to the Standard Ban List to go with the release of Rebellion Without Rehearsal.
Continue reading "Standard Ban List 24.03"
Ban List Updates, Previews
ban list, ban list updates, formats, HB, Organized Play, Rebellion Without Rehearsal, Rebellion Without Rehearsal previews, Standard, tournaments and events
Just over a month out from the World Championships, sophie from the Balance Team is here with the latest update for the Standard format.
Continue reading "Standard Ban List 23.09"
Ban List Updates, News
ban, ban list, ban list updates, banlist, formats, Organized Play, Standard, tournaments and events
The Balance Team has two open positions: one for a Standard Balance Team member, and one for the newly-created post of Startup Curator.
Continue reading "Balance Team Recruitment and the Startup Format Panel"
News, Recruitment
balance team, building Null Signal, formats, recruitment, Standard, Startup
The Balance Team is back with an update to the Eternal Points List!
Continue reading "Eternal Points List 23.03"
Ban List Updates
ban, ban list, ban list updates, banlist, Eternal, formats, Organized Play
The Balance Team is back with an update to the Eternal Points List, just in time for Worlds!
Continue reading "Eternal Points List 22.09"
Ban List Updates
2022 World Championship, ban, ban list, ban list updates, banlist, Eternal, formats, Organized Play, tournaments
Join Oguz Han of the Balance Team to learn about the future of the Startup format after Midnight Sun’s release!
Continue reading "Revising Startup with Midnight Sun"
Ban List Updates, Competitive Formats, News, Organised Play
ban list, banlist, formats, organised play, Organized Play, Startup
Announcing a brand new format and series of tournaments for the Winter Season!
Continue reading "Random Access Memories Format and Tournament"
News, Organised Play
formats, organised play, random access memories, tournaments and events
We’re continuing to build the new NISEI Eternal format. Version 1.0 of the format points list is out now.
Continue reading "Iterating on Eternal"
Ban List Updates, News, Organised Play
ban, ban list, banlist, formats, Playtesting
System Gateway introduced the Startup format and shook up Standard. Now we want to breathe new life into Eternal.
Continue reading "A New Beginning for Eternal"
News, Organised Play
Eternal, formats, Playtesting
NISEI’s new limited-cardpool format now has a name. Get ready for Startup.
Continue reading "Introducing the Startup Format"
News, Organised Play
formats, Startup