It happened without warning, out of a clear evening sky. The neons of New Angeles were flickering to life, as an equatorial twilight sped across the city. Events progressed broken and disordered. A strobing light directly overhead, like a drive flame where no ship should be. A rain of carbon shards shattering windows and downing hoppers in Manta, molten and twisted into tortured forms. Cayambe rung with a bone-shaking vibration, as if someone had capriciously plucked a planet-sized guitar.
The world hangs by a narrow thread, made of dreams and faith and reinforced buckyweave. No one realises how narrow that connecting string is… until someone tries to cut it.

Downfall is the first set of the Ashes Cycle, Null Signal’s first original Netrunner expansion. It is compatible with Android: Netrunner and contains 65 brand new cards, including four new identities (two Runner and two Corp). It was designed to be both familiar to experienced Netrunner players and full of interesting possibilities.
Fast Facts

- Release date: March 18, 2019 (original), February 18, 2024 (remastered)
- Cycle: Part 1 of 2 in the Ashes Cycle
- Size: full playsets of each of 65 new cards
- Total cards: 187 cards
- Set symbol: Damaged space elevator
- NetrunnerDB set abbreviation:
Get Downfall – Remastered Edition

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Downfall – Remastered Edition is available as physical cards from our online store, print-on-demand partners, or as a pay-what-you-want print and play. Click the sections below to learn more about each option.
Important note about avoiding customs charges: We recommend that you consult MakePlayingCards’s Shipping Information page for details on customs charges. For EU orders in particular, MPC guarantee no customs charges on orders up to a value of $300 excluding shipping, but only if ordered via their Standard Shipping option!
Note: Due to card back differences between our products, as well as due to different color matching between our different printing partners, these cards should be used in opaque sleeve
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Rotation and Legality
Upon release, Downfall immediately became legal for Casual Tier events, such as GNKs and Store Championships. It became legal on March 29, 2019 for Competitive Tier events (Regional Championships and above).
Learn more about set legality in different formats on the Supported Formats page.