
Accelerated Meta Test October 1st online tournament

Hello Runners and Sysops!

We’re excited to bring the Accelerated Meta Test online tournaments back this upcoming weekend!

The next AMT will start at 8 am AWST (00:00 UTC) on October 1st. You can indicate interest on Always Be Running, and the event will be run through our Online Events Discord. We anticipate 4 rounds with a cut to top 4. 

We apologize for the extremely last minute notice on this one. Between the post-Continentals rush and the pre-Worlds scramble, this AMT fell through the cracks. However, given that it’ll be the final opportunity for many people to practice in a competitive setting before the World Championship, we decided it was important to run it even at late notice.

We’re still looking for commentators. If you’re interested , please reach out to me (Ysengrin) on Slack/Discord, or email the Organized Play team.
