
June Accelerated Meta Test Online Tournament

Hello Runners and Sysops!

Thanks to everyone who played in the May Accelerated Meta Test. Huge congratulations to our winner, the ironically named rip netrunner! I look forward to seeing them and Sokka (who placed second) at the Circuit Breaker Invitational at the start of next year.

Because of some scheduling mixups, we are announcing the next AMT at short notice, with apologies. It will be next weekend, on June 3rd, starting at 15:00 UTC. You can indicate interest on Always Be Running, and the event will be run through our Online Event Discord. We anticipate 4 rounds with a cut to top 4. 

We’re still looking for commentators. If you’re interested , please reach out to me (Ysengrin) on Slack/Discord or the Organized Play email (op@nullsignal.games)

What is the Accelerated Meta Test? You can read more about it in the original announcement. These are Standard format tournaments, run on Jinteki.net by Null Signal Organized Play and/or volunteers. AMTs are free and anyone can enter.
