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Breaking News
EU Store Reopening
We’re pleased to announce that the EU online store will reopen on June 10!
2024 Intercontinental Championship and July-August AMTs Details
Dates and times for the 2024 Intercontinental Championship and Accelerated Meta Tests for July and August!
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Accelerated Meta Test, Continental Championships, Organised Play, Tournaments
Asia-Pacific Continental Championship – Recap
Aksu brings us all the 第一手的澳洲5资讯|168澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖直播 and 澳洲选10开奖结果号码 from the 2024 Asia-Pacific Continental Championship!
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Patreon Shutdown and Overdue Rewards
We’re saying goodbye to Patreon and want to thank everyone who contributed to it over the years! Read inside on how to get any still-owed rewards.
World Championship 2024: Ticket Sales & Discord Server
Tickets for Worlds 2024 go on sale on Tuesday June 18th. Join the official Discord server now!
Continue reading "World Championship 2024: Ticket Sales & Discord Server"
Tournament Spotlight: NANPC 2024
Eric “Whiteblade111” Keilback is here to tell us all about a new series of community-organized tournaments, the North America Netrunner Players Circuit!
What is Null 澳洲168幸运5历史记录-全面的澳洲5游戏2024信息-澳洲行运5全历史开奖史-澳洲幸运十开奖记录查询 Games?
Null Signal Games is a registered nonprofit dedicated to providing ongoing support for the game of Netrunner. Our all-volunteer team designs and playtests new cards, provides prize support for community events, maintains ban lists for competitive play, and much more. We aim to keep the game of Netrunner not only alive, but thriving.

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System Gateway – Remastered Edition is the best way to jack in and start learning the game. Featuring a streamlined duel deck setup and full playsets of simple, yet powerful cards, it’s the new cornerstone of your collection.
Latest Expansion
Rebellion Without Rehearsal is the second half of the Liberation Cycle. As the protests in Brazil over the recently-passed bill aiming to strip bioroids of their rights and citizenship reach a fever pitch, our protagonists wrestle with their conscience to decide how extreme the measures they’re prepared to take to defend their escaped clone and bioroid friends and families. Meanwhile, each Corp pursues its own shadowy agenda, which brings them into conflict not only with the Runners, but each other too.
Rebellion Without Rehearsal contains full playsets of 65 brand new cards. These provide additional support to the mechanical themes introduced in The Automata Initiative, the first set in this cycle, and introduce new ways to explore the Threat mechanic introduced in that set.