
Join Null Signal Games

Null Signal Games is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to supporting and expanding the game of Netrunner. From time to time, new positions within the organization become available. If you want to put your unique skills and passion for the game to work, check out the postings below and consider applying!

Please note: these positions are unpaid. You can and should expect to learn and practice new skills, but Null Signal Games is an all-volunteer organization.

Can you run the net in multiple languages?

Null Signal Games is committed to ensuring as many people around the world as possible can play Netrunner in the language of their choice. Your work as a translator is essential to making this happen! As a translator, you will work with the other translators for your language to translate upcoming card sets (and older card sets, if they don’t already exist in your language) and the NSG website. You will be joining a motivated team, with a mix of people who have been translating for NSG since the beginning and newer recruits.


  • Translating card text for upcoming sets using our translation software to translate all the text on a card
  • Proofreading cards before publication by checking the final cards for layout issues, typos, inaccuracies, etc.
  • Translating website text in our ongoing project to translate our website using our translation software

Must-Have Skills

  • Native speaker of the language you will be translating into (usually your mother tongue), with excellent written language skills
  • Excellent English skills, sufficient to grasp the nuances of both rules text and flavor text and to communicate with other NSG members
  • Attention to detail
  • Good IT skills – able to quickly learn how to use new software (translation software)

Preferred Skills

  • Translation experience, especially with board/card/videogames
  • Good time management
  • Deep knowledge of the Netrunner rules and card pool
  • Self-motivated and patient

A note on diversity

Our current team also acknowledges that the tabletop industry as a whole needs to do a better job with diversity. We are prioritizing those applicants that can bring to NSG different experiences and points of view than what we currently have on our team.

NOTE: Null Signal Games is a volunteer organization. All roles at Null Signal Games are unpaid.

This role has no minimum time commitment requirement. To apply, complete this form.

We’re always looking for more playtesters to help us shape the future of the game! Click here to apply for Ban List testing, or click here to apply for product testing (currently testing “Dawn” ). All levels of experience with the game welcome!

We look forward to your applications!